Before you invest in an established food business, take a good look inside
Food manufacturing is a complicated, concentrated and rapidly changing industry. Not only are food businesses governed by strict safety regulations, but achieving sustained profitability can be a tough nut to crack. Investing in an established food business without deep insight into the nuances affecting profitability is risky at best.
People AND performance define profitability
We partner with investors to fully assess the profitability and long-term viability of your food business acquisition. Our unique, integrated approach delivers you one of the most robust and inclusive acquisition assessments available in the industry.
We bridge our extensive knowledge of food science, manufacturing, supply chain and sustainability design with human resource expertise to assess both the people and systems side of productivity, operational efficiency and safety.
The result is a 360-degree picture of the existing operation, pinpointing its biggest opportunities and biggest barriers to sustained profitability. We help you immediately see the shortest path to a sustained step change and profitable turnaround.